Hotel Be Live Turquesa i Varadero

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CubaHotel Be Live Turquesa


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Carretera Las Morlas Km 12, Varadero, 42200, Varadero, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 45 668471
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Latitude: 23.18657, Longitude: -81.17827

kommentar 5

  • Luis Alberto Horche

    Luis Alberto Horche


    Awful experience. My holidays were ruined. Do not go to this hotel! One of the room service ladies (Roxana) stole from me and the staff from the hotel backed up her story, neglecting responsibility... and even made me pay 15$ extra for my "lost" towel. Then they threatened me to call immigration if I didn't pay. A friend of mine had the same experience 3 days later. They are thieves. It's their way of making even more money from tourists. Just choose another hotel or take the risk of being ripped off.

  • Bea Aitken

    Bea Aitken


    The Beach is absolutely breathtaking! Rooms clean and comfortable, the staff friendly and helpful. My only complaint was that the food buffet was exactly the same everyday. WiFi very limited

  • Daniel MacEnchroe

    Daniel MacEnchroe


    Honestly one of the worst resort stays I've experienced. The bartenders/waiters were fabulous but front desk and security were just downright rude and unhelpful. Front end staff that spoke fairly decent English all of a sudden had zero ability to communicate when there was an issue. I in turn brought to the resort 2 people to clearly communicate the issue in which the staff member got into a brief argument before agreeing that a police report should be filed. I said I would take a shower then file a report. Agreements were made then upon my return the staff member was nowhere to be found. Further attempts to resolve this after were reduced to a complete standstill. Then the exchange rates! I'm used to the hotels surcharging 1-5% additional for exchange compared to a bank for convenience. But the difference here was steadily between 10-15% which is insanity. Checked 4 times during my stay. 💸💸💸

  • Martin Levert

    Martin Levert


    A clean resort with very very friendly and helpful staff. The front counter staff are very busy and are assigned to their own specific jobs, which weren't understood by some impatient patrons. The food was as expected in Cuba. I recommend utilizing the grill in the buffet. I was informed of the lack of spices on the resorts in Cuba, so included some small bottles in my gear (also was told to bring a "Big Bubba" in order to save trips to the bar - which had other benefits as well). The buffet staff always went above and beyond to take care of our wishes and needs. All of the bar staff were fantastic and outgoing (and made the best coffee). The cleaning staff was very good and very friendly, always asking if there was anything that we needed. Due to the smaller size of the resort it becomes a more social environment on the resort. The entertainment was different nightly and always a hit.The entertainment committee was always ready to play music and provide daily activities at the pool. Due to all of the great staff and clean rooms, we will definitely stay at this resort in the future. On a negative note, the rooms and resort are not as advertised on the websites. These photos are as when the resort was new. It is now older and requires some cosmetic work and maintenance.

  • Joseph Pak

    Joseph Pak


    I would say that the over all experience was not that bad. That being said there are a few things that did stand out. CONS: 1. Bug infested beds/rooms - I got bites all over my body. A few days in, the resort ended up throwing all the mattresses and replacing them with new ones. 2. Employees at the front desk - Although they were friendly enough, I never got a good vibe from them. They would rarely smile and always seemed to be speaking to each other or doing paperwork before even acknowledging a guest. 3. Extremely low flow toilets. - There was never a time when any amount of flushing would get rid of everything. This resulted in a terrible smell. PROS: 1. Party bar staff was very friendly and great to interact with. 2. The Beach is literally connected with the resort making it very accessible.

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