IBEROSTAR Tainos i Varadero

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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km 12.5, 42200, Varadero, Varadero, CU Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 45 668656
internet side: www.iberostartainos-varadero.com
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Latitude: 23.1880944, Longitude: -81.1768057

kommentar 5

  • Piotr Dowolski

    Piotr Dowolski


    Location is fine, beach awesome, don't bother to tip waiting staff as they change daily and will not remember you. Thanx to that lobby bar was basically self serv as waiters just didn't do they job.

  • Carol Jerred

    Carol Jerred


    It was a very friendly hotel. So much to do lovley food and wonderful staff. Staff couldn't do enough for us. Can't wait to go back

  • Melissa Boudreault

    Melissa Boudreault


    Wow! Nice experience. Everywhere on the site is very clean. The food is fine, multiple choices. The person's who work there are very gentle. Definitely on my top 3 hotel for Varadero. I would go back next year, no hesitation. The only little thing that's negative, the bar of the beach is not on the beach. Depends on where you sit, it can be far.

  • Steve F

    Steve F


    We tend not to do all inclusive but I am so pleased we did this. It really is perfect...amazing rooms and service. Excellent food and such a friendly atmosphere. No hidden costs; it really is what it says it is. Would go again :)

  • Francisco Jacinta

    Francisco Jacinta


    Good layout and easy access anywhere on the property. Good coffee only available after 09:00 in the Lobby or after 10:00 at the pool bars. Should open earlier. Difficult to book a la carte restaurants.

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