Hotel Iberostar Playa Alameda i Varadero

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CubaHotel Iberostar Playa Alameda


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Ctra. Las Morlas, km 19, Varadero 42200, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 45 668822
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Latitude: 23.2008428, Longitude: -81.1330026

kommentar 5

  • Piotr Krzywucki

    Piotr Krzywucki


    Great stuff, very good food, nice and clean place. Very friendly entertaining people working here. Animation group makes a great show every day. Tones of activities scheduled for everyone. will come back here again

  • Amy Mclennan

    Amy Mclennan


    I felt so welcome and at home. All the workers are amazing and happy. I really hope this resort knows what an amazing staff it has. What a positive environment it was and the energy was contagious. This resort made my week memorable and I can’t wait to go back.

  • Jarrett McGillivray

    Jarrett McGillivray


    This trip was one of the best experiences of my life! The staff was amazing and I highly recommend. Charlie sends postive vibes through the whole resort and makes everyone happy! Food and rooms where amazing! I will definitely coming back to this paradise!!!

  • Gagandeep Grewal

    Gagandeep Grewal


    The staff here are great! Everyone is super friendly and kind and always willing to help. Hard to find gluten free food but found one waiter who was great and knew his stuff so he coordinated our dinner every night for us! This was super helpful. Entertainment staff was lots of fun and very attentive.

  • Antoinette Mercury

    Antoinette Mercury


    This is my first trip to Cuba and it was totally awesome. The entertainment crew were very professional entertainers. The music of course is to die for. You can not listen to this music without getting up and dancing. Staff here are helpful and very friendly. One of the most engaging here was the communications manager named Charlie. He is well spoken and very talented. Most of all he holds your attention and he is a total sweetheart. Everyone that meets him loves him. Food was good, room very clean, resort is beautiful. Fabulous week off. I will come back again.

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