Paradisus Varadero Resort & Spa i Varadero

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CubaParadisus Varadero Resort & Spa


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Varadero, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 45 668700
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Latitude: 23.1996368, Longitude: -81.156316

kommentar 5

  • Viveke Sieber

    Viveke Sieber


    This hotel is located on one of the most beautiful beaches of Varadero. And the site is vast to be able to escape at any time of the day! What more can you say about the staff! From the gardener to the housekeeper to the man major than to the staff on this site! Everyone is smiling, helpful and courteous!

  • Joanna Gillen Mahoney

    Joanna Gillen Mahoney


    Service was fantastic, facilities were amazing, beach was breathtaking. It was the end of the season and part of the resort was closing down for renovations but the staff still made you feel like royalty. I would go back there in a heartbeat. Food was quite good for Cuba, too. Especially all the seafood options!

  • Penny Raimond

    Penny Raimond


    We liked, went a few months ago and we want visit it again in may hopefully. Thanks to the great team!

  • Jenny Ann Macnoir

    Jenny Ann Macnoir


    If we want to recommend a good hotel in Varadero, this is the one you should go, especial for families and couples. I went with my husband like a especial getaway from work, cold and the kids and was amazing we met good friends and had was a blast time. All at the hotel was good, we never worry for anything there.

  • Tony leung

    Tony leung


    Nice resort. Food quality is decent. For 15.00 you can have a lobster at any restaurant or buffet area. Internet is available near the lobby area you pay per hour. This resort is 10 min. to a local club and restaurants.

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