Royalton Hicacos Resort & Spa i Varadero

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CubaRoyalton Hicacos Resort & Spa


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Carretera Las Morlas Km. 15 Varadero, Cuba,, Varadero, Cuba
kontakter telefon: +53 45 668844
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Latitude: 23.1946446, Longitude: -81.1655554

kommentar 5

  • Ian Killoch

    Ian Killoch


    Very relaxing. All the food and drinks you can consume. Excellent quality. Very friendly and great hospitality. Staff go out of the way for you. Facilities second to none. Great pools. Private sandy Beach 3 min stroll. However it’s not Cuba, get out and visit places. Would definitely do it again.

  • Claire Fraser-Calvert

    Claire Fraser-Calvert


    The staff are amazing and so attentive but not in your face. So many activities to choose from as well as restaurants. Love this place, came home so relaxed and even considering going back which is something I never do. If thinking about going here but are not sure, go for it, you won't regret it.

  • susan colley

    susan colley


    There needs to be a step next to the bed, as the bed is to high for any one under 5 foot tall, or any one who has bad knees, hips or back. the bath is great, but the water not hot enough to fill it. double bed size bath.. food not great. chefs are not as good as ours. the staff are great entertainment on beech and by pool great, beach great, watch out for jelly fish though, red flag will be out when they are about. there are pelicans that sit on the sea great to see, and the resort is beautiful.

  • Paulette Wood

    Paulette Wood


    My husband and i spent our vacation at the Royalton last year August, it was our first trip to Cuba and this resort. We had the best time. The staff is great, they are friendly and accommodating. The food was superb, and beautiful beach atmosphere. On our arrival we were greeted with champagne before we settled in our room for the night. We were very comfortable in our room. We have already booked this years vacation and is looking forward to going back to this resort

  • Nancy McLeod

    Nancy McLeod


    This was a great experience for us as it was our first time in Cuba. We will be bringing our youngest daughter with us next time so she can enjoy the experience as well. We wanted to thank Raulj for amazing service for which he was there when we needed him. The staff at the Royalton was amazing and we felt like family to everyone. The cleanliness of the resort was impeccable!!! Hats off to everyone at the resort for a fabulous stay!!!

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